Friends of the Bunny!
You might be seeing me in some few other cons this winter and next week, but I will need your help to pull it off!
Two years without events complicates things to pay spots to the next events and a space as well as all the materials to have a great filled booth like you are used to see from me makes for a salty bill. (yes even after 1-2 amazing events, it's not enough to be back to normal)
I will need your help, but you don't even have to buy something from me directly to do so!
The beauty of referral offers of some companies is that, in a way, they also help me have more funds for the event by having to pay less on my bills!
So here are my referrals links for:
if you want to open up a shop with them
if you'd like a credit and debit card readers that works well with little fees
if you want to change your cell and/or your internet provider to reduce your bill
if you are shopping for a good insurance for your cat or dog
if you are looking for ways to lower your grocery bills
for another help on groceries
for a third help on grocery price!