Well, I have neglected to add any content here for far too long...
As an excuse, here's a list of what new products you can expect in the upcoming months, where you will be able to come see me this year and what I'm working on at the moment.
New products!
New globes and bottles for origami
As you might have seen on my
Facebook and/or
Etsy page, I have started to add more
geek origami pieces in new fun globes. Like these ones:
In the upcoming weeks and months you can expect even more fun globes and cool shaped bottles containing ever more complex regular and geek origami pieces!
***Spoilers alert!***
I am now working on these folding:
-My Little Pony;
-and more cool spaceships!!!
And now since I've told you, I hope I manage to make them work ^.~
***Spoilers alerts off!***
For convention only
To help me out on some grand project, that I'll explain in more details shortly, I have decided to add a new product that will be available at convention only: a few cool geek pendants.
Why only at cons?
Because, like my tiny charms earrings that you might have seen on my table, it is a thing that I just assembled and did not make from scratch, hence I can't sold that on Etsy which is a handmade platform (well other people do and I technically could, but I'm not interesting in mass scale resale).
Where in the world is The Green Bunny?
Confirmed locations
Here's the list of confirmed locations where you'll be able to come see me, my new products and my conventions only geekery! Click on the links for my
Facebook events, this way you won't forget them!
March 7 to 9 -
Toronto ComiCon - Toronto (ON) - Metro Toronto Convention Centre
April 4 and 5 -
Nadeshicon - Quebec city (QC) - Laval university
May 9 to 11 -
Ottawa Comiccon - Ottawa (ON) - EY Centre (close to the airport)
May 23 to 25 -
Anime North - Toronto (ON) - Toronto Congress Centre
July 5 and 6 -
GeekFest Québec - Quebec city (QC) - Limoilou Cegep [I might have to cancel this one*]
September 12 to 14 -
Montreal Comiccon - Montreal (QC) - Palais des congrès de Montréal
Hopefully I'll make it there...
June 6 to 8 - Niagara Falls Comiccon --> unfortunately, I applied too late and it is sold out, but who knows, I might get a place if someone cancels...
August 22 to 24 - Otakuthon --> still waiting for the applications to open
August 28 to 31 - Fan Expo --> still waiting for this one too, and although there is only 3 days between them, I hope to be at both!
...and then if I'm really, really lucky I might be there also!
*July 2 to 6 - Japan Expo - Paris, France
You've read right, I am presently discussing (well exchanging emails) with the organizers of Japan Expo to see if I could get a booth there and where I should be in regards to their divisions of the merchant's room!
Hence why I need more liquidity and will try my luck with a little more "resale" at my upcoming cons and why I might cancel my presence at GeekFest Quebec. Don't get me wrong, I love going to Quebec city and I'm lucky enough to have a lot of very cool people coming in to see me there every time I'm in town, but a chance like this one just can't be missed!
This is it for now
So this is it folks, I've been quite busy shopping, testing new foldings and updating my Etsy shop lately. Still a lot of all of these (and more) to do, but I'll try to keep you posted at least once a week now!
So stay tuned, more news coming in next Thursday!
Until then I hope you have a GREAT week!
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