Thursday, 3 July 2014

News News News

Well, first I think you all realized that I wouldn't be going to Japan Expo this year, considering it has started already an I am not even in France... For multiple reasons, some out of my control, the project had to be postponed until next year, but next year I will do all I can to be there!

This setback shook me up a bit and this combined with a few health issues kept pushing back my return here, but now I'm back!

So what's new then?

First you can look at my event page which is fully up to date with where I will be this year and next year that are already confirmed location!

New items?

I am, as usual, thinking and working on new foldings and products.

Here's a peek at what I'm working on at the moment, what do you think? This is what my miniaturization tests looks like.

Christmas time already? (and no not the one in July)

I am also intensely looking for shows in November and the beginning of December, if you know of any that are still accepting applications and might be interested in my work, please let me know!

This weekend!

And finally, for today, I am putting the finishing touch to some new cranes with stones in bottles pendants that should be ready for my upcoming weekend in Quebec city if I can pull myself from my computer and the relative comfort of my colder room - the rest of my apartment is really hot, and not in a good way!

More news on Monday the 7th for a recap of GeekFest Quebec and news on my next event in Longueuil!

Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Another block for Japan Expo & More new items

Japan Expo news

Today, I received a letter that will enable be to apply to try to get a small grant to help me out to cover all the fees of going to another country for a fair! It is far from certain that I will get it, but that letter is still a new block that falls into place... I might really be able to go, I honestly can't believe it, yet!

New items

In an effort to bring in less expensive items and origami items that could become key chains (it was requested from me a lot!), I have developed another variation of my bottled origami: 2D origami under glass lens!

This is only my first sample to see if my idea actually worked, and as you can see it does!

You can expect to see many more designs in the following weeks and months in different shapes and sizes, some in bronze, some in silver colour.

Toronto ComiCon is approaching fast

With my next event is less than 2 weeks, I still have a lot of work to do.

-I'm trying my best to finish more of the items above in time for my departure next week.

-I'm also trying to assemble new hairsticks to fill in the missing colours gap of my inventory.

-I'm adding the finishing touch to some new TARDIS, Companion cube and Serenity (to make sure I have enough).

-And finally I'm testing, yet again, new folding designs.

Hopefully by the next news Saturday, I'll have more pictures to share with you!

Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

New bottle size and more!

As promised, here are some news and pictures.

Preparation pre-con

First the preparation for Toronto ComiCon goes well, as you can see in the pictures below of all the new tiny bottles drying out:

I have one new bottle format, which is between my 2 actual sizes. You can compare my smallest (left) with my new ones (right) on the few pictures below, these will be available on Etsy AND in convention soon.

Jigglypuff and Pikachu (pendants and earrings)
Jigglypuff and Pikachu (pendants)

Ninja Turtles (pendants and earrings)
Ninja Turles (pendants)

New foldings

I shouldn't mention it before having tried the necessary miniaturisation tests, but I found 2 incredible models yesterday night: a chocobo and a cactuar!

Pictures to follow shortly, if I can make them small enough...

Also, I discovered a few days ago a splendid Japanese origami book with 101 models of Pokemon. I have finally decided to purchase it, so expect many new items featuring Pokemon in the weeks and months to come (pendants, earrings, rings and pins!).

On the to do list before leaving for Toronto (without order)

-Finish the bottles on the picture above and add the new models to my Etsy shop
-Finish my new stud earrings (pikachu, cats, dogs and koala bears)
-Make my chocobo and cactuar miniaturisation tests
-Make more hairsticks (I am missing some colour, the horror!)
-Make more TARDIS and Companion cube for my smallest bottles and my new size of bottles

More news next Wednesday to follow up on where I'm at on this list!

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

I fold for miniature bottles!

Ninja power!

Trying to bring new model of miniature folding for my various bottles is always a challenge, but I think I manage to make a great addition with this one!

Of course the other ones are following shortly!

What do you think? Which one is your favourite?

What other character or serie should I tackle next?

One week of work later...

A good think I consider the number I folded and not the size it takes, this is a week's worth of folding in those 2 very small cover.

On my to fold list for this week:
-more pikachu
-Companion cube
-more Ninja Turtles (of course)
-perhaps some flowers
-and hopefully some jigglypuff!

And then I'll have to put them all in bottles if they are to be ready for my next con in Toronto in just over 2 weeks time!

So back to the folding board for me today, I'll add more news Saturday!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Japan Expo?! Yes please!

Since I last posted here, a lot of blocks have fallen into place for Japan Expo!

I have the guarantee that a table is reserved for me in the "Jeune Créateurs" section, if I complete and send in my application form (when I will receive it next month) with my cheque of course!

This is awesome but it still means I have a lot of research and planning if I am to make it happens.

Looking for info about Japan Expo

The first thing I'm trying to figure out is how visitors at Japan Expo behave and buy vs the attendees at cons in Quebec and Ontario.

Has anyone ever been to Japan Expo as a visitors or as a seller or know someone who has? I'd like to talk to someone with a bit of experience with that con, so let me know! ^^;

Looking for someone to take my table at GeekFest Quebec

Since I am trying my best to get to Japan Expo, it means I won't be able to make it at GeekFest Quebec for July 5-6. So if anyone knows someone who would want to attend that event, let me know and I will happily sell them my table! ^.^

New line of products

I have decided to try again the tiny origami studs earrings, but this time with a geek twist and cuter options!

So you can expect to see cute little cats, dogs, koala bears and pikachu (if you follow my Facebook page, you probably have seen the "raw" foldings already).

While looking for a way to fold a jigglypuff, I discovered an amazing japanese origami book with 101 Pokemon models. I have found a Canadian seller (so I will receive the book faster than by ordering from Japan) and will be able to add tons of Pokemon to that line!

Back to work

This is it for the news for this week.

I have to go back to my planning and pack up a pair of earrings leaving for Switzerland today! I always love sending items far away!

Come back Wednesday for more news and development!

Have a great week!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

What's going on?

Well, I have neglected to add any content here for far too long...

As an excuse, here's a list of what new products you can expect in the upcoming months, where you will be able to come see me this year and what I'm working on at the moment.

New products!

New globes and bottles for origami

As you might have seen on my Facebook and/or Etsy page, I have started to add more geek origami pieces in new fun globes. Like these ones:


In the upcoming weeks and months you can expect even more fun globes and cool shaped bottles containing ever more complex regular and geek origami pieces!

***Spoilers alert!***

I am now working on these folding:
-My Little Pony;
-and more cool spaceships!!!

And now since I've told you, I hope I manage to make them work ^.~

***Spoilers alerts off!***

For convention only

To help me out on some grand project, that I'll explain in more details shortly, I have decided to add a new product that will be available at convention only: a few cool geek pendants.

Why only at cons?

Because, like my tiny charms earrings that you might have seen on my table, it is a thing that I just assembled and did not make from scratch, hence I can't sold that on Etsy which is a handmade platform (well other people do and I technically could, but I'm not interesting in mass scale resale).

Where in the world is The Green Bunny?

Confirmed locations

Here's the list of confirmed locations where you'll be able to come see me, my new products and my conventions only geekery! Click on the links for my Facebook events, this way you won't forget them!

March 7 to 9 - Toronto ComiCon - Toronto (ON) - Metro Toronto Convention Centre

April 4 and 5 - Nadeshicon - Quebec city (QC) - Laval university

May 9 to 11 - Ottawa Comiccon - Ottawa (ON) - EY Centre (close to the airport)

May 23 to 25 - Anime North - Toronto (ON) - Toronto Congress Centre

July 5 and 6 - GeekFest Québec - Quebec city (QC) - Limoilou Cegep [I might have to cancel this one*]

September 12 to 14 - Montreal Comiccon - Montreal (QC) - Palais des congrès de Montréal

Hopefully I'll make it there...

June 6 to 8 - Niagara Falls Comiccon --> unfortunately, I applied too late and it is sold out, but who knows, I might get a place if someone cancels...

August 22 to 24 - Otakuthon --> still waiting for the applications to open

August 28 to 31 - Fan Expo --> still waiting for this one too, and although there is only 3 days between them, I hope to be at both!

...and then if I'm really, really lucky I might be there also!

*July 2 to 6 - Japan Expo - Paris, France

You've read right, I am presently discussing (well exchanging emails) with the organizers of Japan Expo to see if I could get a booth there and where I should be in regards to their divisions of the merchant's room!

Hence why I need more liquidity and will try my luck with a little more "resale" at my upcoming cons and why I might cancel my presence at GeekFest Quebec. Don't get me wrong, I love going to Quebec city and I'm lucky enough to have a lot of very cool people coming in to see me there every time I'm in town, but a chance like this one just can't be missed!

This is it for now

So this is it folks, I've been quite busy shopping, testing new foldings and updating my Etsy shop lately. Still a lot of all of these (and more) to do, but I'll try to keep you posted at least once a week now!

So stay tuned, more news coming in next Thursday!

Until then I hope you have a GREAT week!

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